The Director of the Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Orif Hamid Amirzoda, opened the meeting with a brief report highlighting the main results and achievements of the Institute's scientists. He particularly noted that during the reporting period, the Institute's staff published 86 scientific articles: 18 articles in international journals, 14 articles in various conference proceedings, 35 articles in national publications, and 19 popular science articles. Additionally, 9 authorship certificates (patents) were obtained.
At the same time, the Dissertation Council 6D.KOA-59 operates effectively within the Institute, specializing in Earth Sciences (6D061000 - Hydrology) and Construction and Architecture (6D074400 - Construction and Hydraulic Structures). Furthermore, the only sectoral scientific journal, Water Resources, Energy, and Ecology, has been included in the list of peer-reviewed journals in the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
Discussions featured contributions from the Vice President of NAST, Professor Ilhom Amonzoda, Professor Abdulaziz Abdulkhafizovich Gafforov, and other Institute scientists, including Professor M.M. Hakdod, Professor Yarash Pulatov, Associate Professor Nomvar Kurbon, and Subkhon Safialloev.