More than 90 representatives from ministries and departments, universities and institutes of the Republic of Tajikistan participated in the conference, including representatives from the Majlisi Namoyandagon, Majlisi Oli, Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, State Committee on Land Reclamation and Geodesy, Committee for Environmental Protection, Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation, Agency for Hydrometeorology, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tajik State Pedagogical University named after S. Aini, Tajik Technical University named after Prof. Osimi, Physical-Technical Institute named after S.U. Umarov of the NAST, Institute of Chemistry named after V.I. Nikitin of the NAST, and others. Representatives of international organizations based in Dushanbe, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), the branch of the Association "HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation" in Tajikistan, as well as guests from the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Korea participated in the event both in-person (offline) and virtually (online).
The conference was opened by the Director of the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower, and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Amirzoda O.H. with an introductory report. This was followed by speeches from the Deputy President of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Tajikistan Kokhirova G.I., and the Chairman of the Committee of the Majlisi Namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan on Agricultural, Water Resources, and Land Issues Latifzoda R.B.
During the plenary session of the conference, four scientific reports were presented on the topics of "Interstate Water Relations" (Abdurazzokzoda D., Head of the Department of Energy Policy and Water Resources of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan), "Research in the Field of Hydrogen Energy in Tajikistan" (Mirsaidov U.M., Academician of the NAST, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor), "Modern Scientific Approaches to Solving Environmental Problems in Tajikistan" (Khakdod M.M., Corresponding Member of the NAST, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor), and "Natural Hazards in the Context of Climate Change in Tajikistan" (Fazylov A.R., Head of the Laboratory of Hydraulic Structures of the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower, and Ecology of the NAST, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor).
The conference was divided into four sections: "Rational Use of Water Resources in the Context of Climate Change," "Water Management Complex, Development of Hydropower, Hydraulic Structures, and Construction," "Water Supply for the Population. Recreational and Medicinal Waters," and "Hydroecology, Sustainable Development, and Green Economy."
The International Scientific-Practical Conference "Water Resources, Innovation, Resource and Energy Efficiency" was recorded and broadcasted by TV channels "Tajikistan," "Science and Nature (Ilm va Tabiat)," "MIR," and radio channels "Khovar," "Sadoi Dushanbe" as part of their programs.
Thus, the collection of conference papers "WATER RESOURCES, INNOVATION, RESOURCE AND ENERGY CONSERVATION" // Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference - Tajikistan, Dushanbe, October 6-7, 2023 - 288 pages was published and provided to guests, authors, and other conference participants. Additionally, it was distributed to central libraries.